Iglesia Bautista Casa de Gracia,
Aaron Youngren, former SBC church planter here. I hope this email finds you well and encouraged.
I'll come right to the point - my team built a website for Iglesia Bautista Casa de Gracia. You can find it here: https://gcd.church/iglesia-bautista-casa-de-gracia, and we'll host and maintain it for you for just $20/mo - just click here to get started. This is what the website looks like:
The $20/mo deal is a special package from my company - Great Commission Design. It's a simple website for those who don't have one, so that people online can find Iglesia Bautista Casa de Gracia. We saw you didn't appear to have a website, so we thought, why not be proactive?
For $20/mo, we'll host the site, and update the logo, meeting time, location, and contact info for your church, and all you have to do is email or call us to make updates.
How does that sound? Again, if you want to sign up, just click here. If you don't want to hear from us again, I get that, you're busy. Just reply to this email with the word STOP. If you have questions, feel free to reply to this email and ask them.